Asato was happy to be complimented but he really meant what he said when he says that Konoe's tail is pretty. Asato says that Konoe's tail is beautiful but Konoe says that his tail is much more prettier since his own very tail is crooked at the end. Konoe and Asato talked for a while and Konoe found that Asato was awkward with words and very shy opposite to his very first impression of him. Konoe was disappointed but when he was about to leave, the elder decides that he will let Konoe stay for the night and Asato, the tanned cat who attacked him earlier, will guide him. Konoe proceeded to ask some questions and the elder wasn't too happy to see him because outsiders are not allowed to enter the village but despite that he answered him saying that the rumors are false and the markings around their body are just their culture, a tattoo. He then decided that he will guide Konoe to the village, their he met the village elder and a woman named Kagari, the last woman in Kira. He was overpowered but the cat stopped his attacks when he noticed the markings on Konoe. He was then attacked by a black haired cat with tanned skin. The whole time this takes place, he seems to be straining to keep his composure, making grunting noises and sweating slightly, showing his discomfort.Waking up, he found himself in a dark forest, he heard that a village called Kira is located there and that they are cats with markings just like him so he decided to find the village and ask some questions. In the end though, Verg is the one who's forced to preform the act of removing his esscense. The other devils look rather unsettled at the suggestion, and no one jumps in to help with the situation.

For example, when the devils are trying to proove they're telling the truth to Konoe in one scene, Froud suggests a way to prove they're not lying. It seems to be rather uncomfortable for them to do so though. It's their life source, and they are capable of reaching into their chest to retrieve the orb at will. They technically do not have a heart, but a colorful orb that is embedded deep in their chest. Unlike the Ribika, Devils have a different essence inside of them. Their clothing style is also unique to each devil, as well as their color scheme. Froud is the only devil that has spikes jutting out from his tail, and a black/green coloration. Like the Ribika, they look human, but additionally have horns and tails.Īll the devils sport their own set of unique horns, and a slender, black tail.